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Can't stand bad drivers

Slippery roads or dry ones, slow drivers and those so indecisive that they’re a danger to everyone on the road, all-around bad drivers are the bane of my existence.

Slippery roads or dry ones, slow drivers and those so indecisive that they’re a danger to everyone on the road, all-around bad drivers are the bane of my existence.

Alberta has the worst drivers on the face of the planet, it’s easy to use the old stereotypes that it’s just the foreign or women drivers. But I can say it doesn’t matter if you’re white, black, or what your sex is, chances are, if you’re reading this, you are either a bad driver or know at least 10 people who are.

It all starts with getting your licence and for me (someone who failed his drivers test the first time for bumping the curb on an uphill park); I always took great care learning to drive. Watching my speed carefully, making sure I shoulder check, maintain the correct speed, practice both defensive and decisive driving skills (something most people do not seem to get) and so I’ve never understood how anyone could get behind the wheel if they don’t feel they have full control or full responsibility for their actions.

Now, I say full responsibility for their actions, because knowingly cutting someone off, causing them to swerve into a guardrail or into oncoming traffic, is a bad move. More so, waving as if to say, “yes I know I’m an idiot, look at me wave like a moron as I almost cost you your life,” as if that will somehow console me as I wait for the paramedics to scrape my body off the road.

If this is something you’ve done and knowingly waved like an idiot, sorry, you’re an idiot and I have no respect for you. Make better life decisions.

There are only two times it’s OK to wave while driving: 1) if you see a really cute guy or girl and want to let them know you see them, although a simple honk of the horn would suffice, a wave is also acceptable and; 2) if you do the right thing and yield to the right of way and I see you and let you in, pull into the lane and yes, give me a friendly “thank-you” wave.

And my final note to bad drivers everywhere, if you’re on a highway with a posted rate of speed faster than a granny with a walker, SPEED THE HECK UP! And realize that if you’re in a merge lane and you have a yield sign, I don’t have to slam on my breaks to let your slow butt in.

Lady in the red 2006 Dodge Grand Caravan who gave me the finger because you figured you’d just ride the shoulder until I slammed on my brakes to let you in front of me merging onto highway 1A from the bottom turn out of GlenEagles, I am talking to you. Yes, I put you into the idiot category.

Overall, the lesson for all you idiots out there, don’t run red lights, don’t turn across three lanes of traffic when your light’s already red, don’t roll through that stop sign and cut me off, don’t do 30 km in a 60 km zone, and sure don’t wave at me when you cut me off. You know what you did, the other drivers know what you did and if you wouldn’t cut in line blatantly in a Tim Horton’s line, don’t think it’s any different in a car. You’re not invincible; you’re soon to be proof of Darwin’s theory. The weak and dumb die off; just don’t take me with you.

And to the good drivers out there, I find there are some breathing techniques that help, maybe keep a stress ball in your car and invest in some good brakes and a solid life insurance plan. Just don’t drive angry or you’re an idiot too.

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